Results for 'Muḥammad Luṭfī Jumʻah'

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  1. al-Fihrist al-Rushdī: al-matn wa-al-dirāsāt.Asʻad Jumʻah - 2008 - Tūnis: [S.N.].
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    Muḥyī al-Dīn ibn ʻArabī: wa-ārāʼuhu al-fiqhīyyah fī al-futūḥāt al-Makkiyyah: Dirāsat muqāranah.Nādir Jamīl Jumʻah - 2020 - Bayrūt, Lubonān: Kitāb - Nāshirūn.
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    Durūs fī al-madkhal lil-ʻulūm al-qānūnīyah.Nuʻmān Muḥammad Khalīl Jumʻah - 1977 - [Cairo]: Dār al-Nahḍah al-ʻArabīyah.
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    Kitāb al-muqaddimāt fī al-falsafah, aw, al-Masāʼil fī al-manṭiq wa-al-ʻilm al-ṭabīʻī wa-al-ṭibb. Averroës & Asʻad Jumʻah - 2008 - Tūnis: Kullīyat al-Ādāb wa-al-ʻUlūm al-Insānīyah bi-al-Qayrawān. Edited by Asʻad Jumʻah.
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  5. al-Kullīyāt al-sitt.Muḥammad Mukhtār Jumʻah - 2019 - [al-Qāhirah]: Wizārat al-Awqāf.
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    al-Tasāmuḥ manhaj ḥayāh.Muḥammad Mukhtār Jumʻah (ed.) - 2022 - Jumhūrīyat Miṣr al-ʻArabīyah: al-Majlis al-Aʻlá lil-Shuʼūn al-Islāmīyah.
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  7. al-ʻAql wa-al-naṣṣ.Muḥammad Mukhtār Jumʻah - 2021 - Jumhūrīyat Miṣr al-ʻArabīyah: Wizārat al-Awqāf.
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    Mukawwināt al-ʻAql al-Muslim wa Darajāt al-Maʻrifah.ʻAlī Jumʻah - 2017 - al-Qāhirah: al-Wābil al-Ṣayb.
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    Samāḥat al-Islām bayna al-naẓarīyah wa-al-taṭbīq.Muḥammad Mukhtār Jumʻah - 2019 - Abū Ẓaby: Markaz al-Imārāt lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Buḥūth al-Istirātījīyah.
    إن السماحة خلق أصـيل في ديننا الحنيف، والتيسير أصل فيه بنصوص القرآن الكريم والسُّنة النبوية المطهَّرة؛ فالسماحة في الشـريعة الإسلامية منهج رباني، ومبدأ من المبادئ التي أكرم الحق سبحانه وتعالى بها عباده، وأمرهم أن يتعاملوا بها فيما بينهم. فالدين كله قائم على اليسـر، والفقه في الدين وفي الأحكام مبنيٌّ على التيسير، ولم يقُل أحد على الإطلاق إن الفقه هو التشدد، غير أننا ابتُلِينا في العقود الماضـية القريبة بأناس جنحوا نحو التطرف والتشدد؛ بحيث صاروا يُسوّقون أن من يحسن التشدد هو العالم (...)
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  10. al-Manṭiq manhajan naqdīyan: dirāsah fī qirāʼat al-shakl.Aḥmad Jumʻah - 2010 - Baghdād: Bayt al-Ḥikmah.
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  11. Fahāris al-muʼallafāt wa-al-dirāsāt al-Rushdīyah.Asʻad Jumʻah - 2000 - Tūnis: Markaz al-Nashr al-Jāmiʻī.
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  12. Tārīk̲h̲-i falāsifat al-Islām.Muḥammad Luṭfī Jumʻah - 1964 - Edited by Mir Valiuddin.
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    Takāmul-i ukhravī dar chashmʹandāz-i Ṣadrāyī: mabāḥis̲-i ʻaqlī-i taghyīr va takāmul-i nafs-i insān dar ʻālam-i barzakh va qiyāmat bar mabnā-yi Ḥikmat Mutaʻālīyah.Mahdī Imāmī Jumʻah - 2017 - Tihrān: Muʼassasah-i Pizhūhishī-i Ḥikmat va Falsafah-i Īrān. Edited by Manṣūrah al-Sādāt Vidād.
    Ṣadr al-Dīn Shīrāzī, Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm, -1641--Criticism and interpretation. ; Ṣadr al-Dīn Shīrāzī, Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm, -164 Asfār al-arbaʻah fī al-ḥikmah. ; Resurrection (Islam).
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    ʻAqd Ijārat al-raḥim: dirāsah muqāranah.Isrāʼ Jumʻah ʻAbd al-Ḥasan Kaʻb - 2022 - al-Qāhirah: al-Markaz al-ʻArabī lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    al-Falsafah wa-al-mujtamaʻ: sūʼ al-fahm al-kabīr.Bū Jumʻah Karmūn - 2016 - [Fès?]: Bū Jumʻah al-Karmūn.
    Philosophy; social aspects; philosophy, Arab; 21st century.
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    Sayr-i taḥavvul-i maktab-i falsafī-i Iṣfahān az Ibn Sīnā tā Mullā Ṣadrā.Mahdī Imāmī Jumʻah - 2012 - Tihrān: Muʼassasah-i Pizhūhishī-i Ḥikmat va Falsafah-i Īrān.
    Islamic philosophy and Muslim philosophers of Iṣfahān, Iran.
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  17. Falsafah-ʼi hunar dar ʻishqʹshināsī-i Mullā Ṣadrā.Mahdī Imāmī Jumʻah - 2006 - Tihrān: Intishārāt-i Farhangistān-i Hunar.
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    Modernitetens sine qua non – Islamisk middelalderfilosofi og moderne reformisme.Mattias Gori Olesen - 2019 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 79:63-75.
    The trope that modern Europe, emerging from its Dark Ages, is indebted to the Islamic Middle Ages is widespread. The article traces this ‘Islamic medievalism’ back to Muslim discourses of the late 19th and early 20th century. Focusing on the Egyptian intellectual Muhammad Lutfi Jum’a’s (1886-1953) portrayal of medieval Islam and its philosophers as well as his mobilization of these within a reformist ideology, it argues the following: Firstly, that Jum’a’s medievalism, perceiving medieval Islamic philosophy as the sine qua non (...)
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  19. Bināʼ al-mafāhīm: dirāsah maʻrifīyah wa-namādhij taṭbīqīyah.Ibrāhīm al-Bayyūmī Ghānim, ʻAlī Jumʻah Muḥammad, Sayf al-Dīn ʻAbd al-Fattāḥ Ismāʻīl & Ṭāhā Jābir Fayyāḍ ʻAlwānī (eds.) - 1998 - al-Qāhirah: al-Maʻhad al-ʻĀlamī lil-Fikr al-Islāmī.
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    Allama Muhammad Iqbal: poet, philosopher, statesman and reformer.Z̤iyāʼuddīn Aḥmad - 2006 - Lahore: Bazm-i-Iqbal.
  21. The Place and Importance of Dalāʾil al-Nubuwwa in the Context of the Defense of Prophethood.Lütfi Bozkale - 2023 - Kader 21 (2):795-825.
    The bond of faith that man has established with his creator was realized through the prophet. The problem of anti-prophecy, which is widely experienced at the intellectual level with its dimensions affecting our age, corresponds to a serious belief problem. The principles known via prophecy in monotheistic religions are summarized as beliefs in Allah, prophecy, and afterlife. The theology of monotheistic religions emerged within the framework determined by the prophethood. As a result, the prophethood, as the starting point of religion, (...)
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  22. Duties and Decision-Making Guidelines for Sharī‘ah Committee: An Overview of AAOIFI.Muhammad Amanullah & Muhammad Nabil Fikri Bin Mhd Zain - 2018 - Intellectual Discourse 26 (2):729-748.
    The Sharī‘ah ‘Committee is a board which is independent in directing, reviewing and supervising an Islamic Financial Institution. It consists of those who are specialised in Fiqh Mu‛āmalāt or those who know it with expertise in other fields. In conjunction with IFIs emergence, the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions was established and has issued numerous standards on accounting, auditing and also governance for IFIs. The researchers intend to review the duties and decision-making guidelines of the Sharī‘ah Committee (...)
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  23. Medical Ethics in the Light of Maqāṣid Al-Sharīʿah: A Case Study of Medical Confidentiality.Bouhedda Ghalia, Muhammad Amanullah, Luqman Zakariyah & Sayyed Mohamed Muhsin - 2018 - Intellectual Discourse 26 (1):133-160.
    : The Islamic jurists utilized the discipline of maqāṣid al-sharīʿah,in its capacity as the philosophy of Islamic law, in their legal and ethicalinterpretations, with added interest in addressing the issues of modern times.Aphoristically subsuming the major themes of the Sharīʿah, maqāṣid play apivotal role in the domain of decision-making and deduction of rulings onunprecedented ethical discourses. Ethics represent the infrastructure of Islamiclaw and the whole science of Islamic jurisprudence operates in the lightof maqāṣid to realize the ethics in people’s lives. (...)
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    Sharīʿah Criminal Law Enforcement in Hisbah Framework: Practice In Malaysia.Alias Azhar, Muhammad Hafiz Badarulzaman, Fidlizan Muhammad & Siti Zamarina Mat Zaib - 2020 - Intellectual Discourse 28 (1):149-170.
    : Hisbah is the most important institution in a society and nation.Enforcement parties are those who are directly involved in executing this. Incarrying out their duties, they bear heavy responsibility because it involvesthe rights of Allah and the rights of human. Hisbah implies theimplementation of al-amr bi-l-maʿrūf when it is clear thatit is abandoned, and wa-n-nahy ʿani-l-munkar when itis clear that it is done. This study is based on the concept of Hisbah in SharīʿahLaw which is of a general and (...)
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  25. The identity of "the Mufti of Oran", Abu l- Abbas Ahmad b. Abi Jum'ah al-Maghrawi al-Wahrani (d. 917-1511).Devin Stewart - 2006 - Al-Qantara 27 (2):265-301.
    Esta investigación intenta identificar al "muftí de Orán," bosquejando su vida y carrera a través de un análisis de los datos disponibles en las fuentes oorteafricanaa. Quisiera plantear que, ya en las fuentes biográficas del siglo XVI, se bao coofundido las biografias de dos emditoa, la del muftí, Abti l-'Abbáa Alimad b. Ahí (~um'a (m. 917/1511), y la de su hijo, Abti 'Abd Alláb Mul~ammad ~aqrtin (m. 929/1523-24). Mi investigación propone resolver esta confusión. Originario de Orán, Al~mad estudió en Tremecéo (...)
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    Islamic finance crossing the 40-years milestone – the way forward.Muhammad Ayub - 2018 - Intellectual Discourse 26:463-484.
    Islamic finance has experienced considerable growth worldwide interms of deposits and assets of Islamic banks over the last 40 years, but showslittle signs of achieving maturity. Almost all Islamic finance products currentlyis use are mere replicas of their conventional counterparts. This study followsthe archival research strategy of Bryman, and analyses the literatureon Islamic finance theory and products and practices in order to ascertainthe reforms needed for the maturity goal. The paper proposes adoption ofa new law regarding money, different policy approaches, (...)
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    Applying the Concepts of Benefit and Harm in Malaysian Bioethical Discourse: Analysis of Malaysian Fatwa.Abdul Halim Ibrahim & Muhammad Safwan Harun - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 21 (3):401-414.
    Rapid developments in science and technology have resulted in novel discoveries, leading to new questions particularly related to human values and ethics. Every discovery and technology has positive and negative implications and affects human lives either directly or indirectly, involving all walks of life. Bioethical discourse in Malaysia must consider the multiracial and multireligious background of Malaysia and especially the Islamic view as the majority of Malaysians are Muslims and Islam is the religion of the federation. This article discusses several (...)
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    al-Fikr al-maʻrifī ʻinda al-Rāghib al-Aṣfahānī.Aḥmad Dakār - 2004 - Wahrān: Dār al-Gharb lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
    Ethics; Islamic philosophy; Rāghib al-Iṣfahānī, Abū al-Qāsim al-Ḥusayn ibn Muḥammad, d. 1108 or 9; criticism and interpretation.
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    Shīvahʹhā-yi naẓāratī-i amr bih maʻrūf va nahy az munkar dar guftār va sīrah-i Payāmbar-i Aʻẓam.Aḥmad Ghulām ʻAlī - 2009 - Qum: Kitāb-i Ṭāhā.
    Religious life in Islam in the light of sayings and life of Prophet Muhammad, -632.
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    Intiṣāran li-qiyam al-falsafah fī al-jāmiʻah al-Maghribīyah: shahādāt wa-abḥāth muhdāh lil-Ustādh Sālim Yafūt.Ǧāmiʻat Muḥammad al-K̲āmis (ed.) - 2013 - al-Rabāṭ: Kullīyat al-Ādāb wa-al-ʻUlūm al-Insānīyah bi-al-Rabāṭ.
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  31. ʻAlī Sharīʻatī va Iqbāl: ek mut̤ālaʻah, maʻah tarjumah māo Iqbāl.Ẓuhūr Aḥmad Aʻvān - 1994 - Pishāvar: Idārah-yi ʻIlm o Fann.
    Critical and comparative analysis on the philosophical thoughts of ʻAlī Sharīʻatī and Sir Muhammad Iqbal, 19th and 20th centuries Muslim philosophers.
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    Risālat ithbāt al-ʻaql al-mujarrad.Aḥad Farāmarz Qarāmalikī, Ṭayyibah ʻĀrifʹniyā & Naṣīr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad Ṭūsī (eds.) - 2014 - Tihrān: Markaz-i Pizhuhishī-i Mīrās̲-i Maktūb.
    Ṭūsī, Naṣīr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad, 1201-127 ; Risālah-i is̲bāt al-ʻaql - Criticism and interpretation.
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    al-Shaykh Muḥammad Abū Zahrah wa-fikruhu al-tarbawī.Aḥmad ʻAbd al-ʻĀl Muḥammad - 2009 - Dasūq [Egypt]: Dār al-ʻIlm wa-al-Īmān lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
    Abū Zahrah, Muḥammad; criticism and interpretations.
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    Kitāb Firaq al-Shī'ahKitab Firaq al-Shi'ah.Philip K. Hitti, Abu-Muḥammad al-Ḥasan ibn-Mūsa al-Nawbakhti, Hellmut Ritter & Abu-Muhammad al-Hasan ibn-Musa al-Nawbakhti - 1934 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 54 (2):214.
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  35. al-Shifāʼ.C. Avicenna, Georges Ibrahim Anawati, Sa id Madkur, Muhammad Yusuf Zayid & Sulayman Musá - 1952 - Qum, Īrān: Maktabat Āyat Allāh al-ʻUẓmá al-Marʻashī al-Najafī. Edited by Ibrāhīm Madkūr, Georges C. Anawati, Maḥmūd Muḥammad Khuḍayrī & Aḥmad Fuʼād Ahwānī.
    [1] al-Manṭiq. 1. al-Madkhal. 2. al-Maqūlāt. 3. al-ʻIbārah. 4. al-Qiyās. 5. al-Burhān. 6. al-Jadal. 7. al-Safsaṭah. 8. al-Khaṭābah. 9. al-Shiʻr (4 v.) -- [2] al-Ṭabīʻīyat. 2. al-Samāʼ wa-al-ʻālam. 3. al-Kawn wa-al-fasād. 4. al-Afʻāl wa-al-infiʻālāt. 5. al-Maʻādin wa-al-āthār al-ʻulwīyah. 6. al-Nafs. 7. al-Nabāt -- [3] al-Riyāḍīyāt. [1] Uṣūl al-handasah. 2. al-Ḥisāb. 3. Jawāmiʻ ʻilm al-mūsīqá. [4] al-Ilāhīyāt.
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    The inheritance conceptual of Muhammad sa’id ramadhan al-buthi and its implication in gender issue: An analysis of kitab al-mar’ah bayna thughyan al-nizam al-gharbi wa lata’if al-tashri’ al-rabbani.Rahmatullah Rahmatullah - 2020 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 15 (1):99-119.
    This paper examines the debate on gender equality which is considered by some groups to be in conflict with Q.S. An-Nisa [4]: ​​11. With a philosophical approach and referring to the concept of inheritance of Sa'id Ramadan al-Buthi in the _Kitab_ _al-Mar'ah Bayna Thughyan al-Nizam al-Gharbi wa Lata'if al-Tashri' al-Rabbani_, this paper tries to refute these allegations and offers a more gender-friendly interpretation. For al-Buthi, the verse has actually liberated women because the provisions are caused by the responsibilities imposed by (...)
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    A Scholar Between Muʽtazilah and Murji’ah: Muḥammad b. Shabīb and his Theological Views.Ahmet Mekin Kandemi̇r - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (3):1219-1239.
    Muʽtazilah is one of the kalām schools in which intellectual freedom is seen the most and therefore divergences within the sect are the most common. Although al-usûl al-ḥamsa/five principles constitute the main framework on which Muʽtazilah has agreed, opposing ideas have emerged within the sect on the principles of ʽadl (divine justice) and al-manzilah bayna al-manzilatayn and on the issues of nature and imamah. As a matter of fact, Muʽtâzilī scholars wrote many refutations to each other on the disputed issues. (...)
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    Muhammad b. Ibrahim al-Wazir's (d. 840/1436) epistemology of ambiguity.Damaris Wilmers - 2018 - Boston: BRILL.
    In Beyond Schools: Muḥammad b. Ibrāhīm al-Wazīr's (d. 840/1436) Epistemology of Ambiguity, Damaris Wilmers provides the first extensive analysis of Ibn al-Wazīr's thought and its role in the "Sunnisation of the Zaydiyya", emphasizing its significance for conflicts between schools of thought and law beyond the Yemeni context. Contrasting Ibn al-Wazīr's works with those of his Zaydi contemporary Aḥmad b. Yaḥyā b. al-Murtaḍā, Damaris Wilmers offers a study of a number of heretofore unedited texts from 9th/15th century Yemen when Zaydi (...)
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    Shajāʻat al-ṣaḥābah wa-manāqibuhum wa-ḥubbuhum lil-jihād wa-al-istishhād.جنابي، عبد الستار - 2015 - Makkah al-Mukarramah: Dār Ṭaybah al-Khaḍrāʼ lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    Beyond schools: Muhammad b. Ibrāhīm al-Wazīr's (d. 840/1436) epistemology of ambiguity.Damaris Wilmers - 2018 - Boston: BRILL.
    In Beyond Schools: Muḥammad b. Ibrāhīm al-Wazīr's (d. 840/1436) Epistemology of Ambiguity, Damaris Wilmers provides the first extensive analysis of Ibn al-Wazīr's thought and its role in the "Sunnisation of the Zaydiyya", emphasizing its significance for conflicts between schools of thought and law beyond the Yemeni context. Contrasting Ibn al-Wazīr's works with those of his Zaydi contemporary Aḥmad b. Yaḥyā b. al-Murtaḍā, Damaris Wilmers offers a study of a number of heretofore unedited texts from 9th/15th century Yemen when Zaydi (...)
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  41. A path to the Oasis: Sharī‘ah and reason in Islamic moral epistemology.Edward Omar Moad - 2007 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 62 (3):135-148.
    I propose a framework for comparative Islamic—Western ethics in which the Islamic categories "Islam, Iman," and "Ihsan" are juxtaposed with the concepts of obligation, value, and virtue, respectively. I argue that "shari'a" refers to both the obligation component and the entire structure of the Islamic ethic; suggesting a suspension of the understanding of "shari'a" as simply Islamic "law," and an alternative understanding of "usul al-fiqh" as a moral epistemology of obligation. I will test this approach by addressing the question of (...)
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    Iqbāl kā taṣavvūr-i k̲h̲ūdī: ʻAllāmah Iqbāl ke 137 vīn̲ yaum-i paidāʼish par munʻaqid kiʼe gaʼe simīnār men̲ paṛhe gaʼe maqālāt kā majmūʻah = Iqbal ka tasawwur-e-khudi.Taskīnah Fāz̤il (ed.) - 2014 - Srīnagar: Iqbāl Insṭīṭiyūṭ āf Kalcar ainḍ Filāsafī, Kashmīr Yūnīvarsiṭī.
    Study on the works of Sir Muhammad Iqbal, 1899-1938, Urdu and Persian poet with special reference to his philosophy of self and self-identity; contributed articles presented at a seminar.
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  43. Itḥāf al-sādah al-muttaqīn lil-Sayyid al-Imām Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad Murtaḍá al-Zabīdī bi-sharḥ Iḥyāʼ ʻulūm al-dīn li-Ḥujjat al-Islām Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad al-Ṭūsī al-Ghazālī.Murtaḍá al-Zabīdī & Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad - 2024 - ʻAmmān: Dār al-Nūr al-Mubīn lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ. Edited by Ashraf Muḥammad Aḥmad.
    al-Mujallad al-awwal. Muqaddimāt al-taḥqīq wa-muqaddimat al-Imām al-Zubaydī lil-Itḥāf -- al-mujallad al-thānī. Kitāb al-ʻIlm ilá nihāyat al-bāb al-thālith -- al-mujallad al-thālith. Tatimmat kitāb al-ʻilm min al-bāb al-rābiʻ ilá ākhir al-kitāb -- al-mujallad al-rābiʻ. Kitāb Qawāʻid al-ʻaqāʼid -- al-mujallad al-khāmis. Kitāb Asrār al-ṭahārah -- al-mujallad al-sādis. Kitāb Asrār al-ṣalāh ilá nihāyat shurūṭ al-jumʻah min al-bāb al-khāmis -- al-mujallad al-sābiʻ. Tatimmat kitāb asrār al-ṣalāh min ādāb al-jumʻah ilá ākhir al-kitāb -- al-mujallad al-thāmin. Kitābā Asrār al-zakāh wa-asrār al-ṣawm -- al-mujallad al- tāsiʻ. (...)
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    Transference of The Imām’s Authority to Jurists in the Occultation Period According to 5th Century Shīʿī-Uṣūli Scholars.Habib Kartaloğlu - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):53-71.
    Imāmiyya holds that the theory of imāmate must rely on scriptural evidence and designation and that the Imām, the successor to Muḥammad, is in charge of all political and religious issues. The authority of the Imām includes some religious and social duties such as executing the legal punishments, collecting almsgiving, sustaining social order and declaring holy war. The fulfillment of these duties requires actual leadership of the Imām or his deputy. With the beginning of the great occultation in 329/941, there (...)
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    Some Aspects of Islamic Eschatology.John B. Taylor - 1968 - Religious Studies 4 (1):57 - 76.
    To a student audience seduced by the claims of a ‘secular Christianity’, Professor Gordon Rupp once urged the combined loyalties of ‘worldmanship’ and ‘other-worldmanship’. The Muslim world shows little friendship to secularist ideologies which explicitly reject the eschatological dimension, but Muslims are increasingly involved in secularising processes; many of these are ‘Islamised’, if they are compatible with Islamic social or political ideals, and the stigma of bid‘ah , innovation, is thereby avoided. A Lebanese author, Muhammad Darwazah, in his Dustūr al-Qur’ (...)
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    Kummî Tefsirinde Kur’'n’ın Metni Konusundaki Tahrif İddialarının İncelenmesi.Nesrişah Saylan - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):679-703.
    In this study, the distortion of claims on the text of the Qur’ān in Tafsīr al-Qummī which is one of the main sources of Shī‘a has been investigated. al- Qummī, the first scholar of the Shi’ite scholars, claims that in the account of the commentary are distorted in the text of the Qur’ān with various subtitles, such as the verses that are in the land of Allah's descendants and distorted verses. While interpreting the verses, he discloses this claim in detail (...)
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    Islamic values: a distinctive framework for moral education?J. Mark Halstead - 2007 - Journal of Moral Education 36 (3):283-296.
    The first half of this Editorial examines the implications of the close link between morality and religion in Islamic thinking. There is no separate discipline of ethics in Islam, and the comparative importance of reason and revelation in determining moral values is open to debate. For most Muslims, what is considered halāl (permitted) and harām (forbidden) in Islam is understood in terms of what God defines as right and good. There are three main kinds of values: (a) akhlāq, which refers (...)
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  48.  39
    Khalīfa b. Khayyāt’s Historiography Method.Ömer Sabuncu & Mahmut Sabuncu - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):1321-1345.
    Khalīfa b. Khayyāt(d. 240/854-855) was an historian- muḥaddith in the ʿAbbāsid’s period. There are references in sources to his competence in history and lineage rather than Ḥadīth. Two works of him have survived. The first one is al-Ṭabaḳāt which is about study of men and the second one is al-Taʾrīkhwhich chronologically narratesthe events in the history of Islam until 232 AH. The latter is the most significant work to be applied for the historiography of ibnKhayyāt. In this article, Khalīfa b. (...)
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    Tafannun (stylistic variation) in Similar Meanings and Utterances in the Qurʾān.Ahmet Sait Sicak - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (2):739-763.
    Similar words and utterances in the Qurʾān are the subject of the technical term lafẓī mutashābih. The rephrasing of meanings (maʿnā) and use of different words (lafẓ) in the Qurʾān are dealt with under the rubric of the theme “Qurʾānic style.” The stylistic variations in the Qurʾān are expressed as takrār al-Qurʾān, tasrīf (Affix and Paraphrase), ʿudūl (inversion), and tafannun (stylistic variation). However, when compared with other terms of exegesis, “tafannun” remained in the background and its conceptualization was thwarted. This (...)
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  50.  21
    The Early Period Ismailî Jurist Kadı Nu'm'n Abu Hanîfa's Ikhtil'f Usûl al-Madh'hib and Its Place in the History of Fiqh.Adnan KOŞUM - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (1):3-16.
    The early period Ismaili jurist Al-Qādî al-Nu'mān appears as an important figure in the formation of Ismaili jurisprudence. There is very little information about Kadı Nu'mân's family, childhood, education and intellectual environment. His full name is Abû Hanîfah Nu'man b. Muhammad b. Mansûr al-Qādî at-Tamîmî Al Qayrawānî. He was born around 290/903 (late 3rd (9th) century) into an educated family in Qayravan in North Africa. There are different opinions about the sect he belonged to when he was growing up. On (...)
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